Much more than coffee

I love to visit a particular coffee shop near me. They serve heavenly cappuccinos which are the perfect antidote to a cold winter’s day. But it’s not just good beans that makes this coffee memorable …

I first visited the coffee shop on the day that my daughter started secondary school. We were new to the area and feeling very vulnerable in the face of so much unfamiliarity. First day jitters were having a field day. As it was still early, I suggested that we go into the café for a quick bite. No-one had had the stomach for breakfast that morning and for some reason, us mothers always feel better when our children have eaten!

Noticing that my daughter hadn’t touched her food, the owner approached and asked if he could make her something else. Not wanting to offend him, I explained that it was nerves, and not his sandwich, that was the guilty party. He lingered for a while, asking a few questions and reminiscing about his son’s time at school....

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The overlooked communication tool that fuels connection

I recall a time when I was seated next to a young couple in a restaurant. Both were glued to their phones. I assumed they must be mid-argument – you know the point where you’ve reached a deadlock, and no-one is speaking? But I was entirely wrong. Every now and again, in between mouthfuls of burger and chips, one would lean over and together they would smile or laugh at something on one of their phones.  

It’s no secret that we are a distracted generation. Our attention is constantly drawn to our phones, computers and TV’s. It’s where we find a treasure trove of likes, comments, memes, funny clips and interesting facts which give us little “feel-good” dopamine hits throughout the day.

You would think that all this entertainment would make us the happiest people group in history. But the statistics tell a different story …

The number of people seeking professional help for mental health issues is rising at an alarming rate....

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